RCA/K 5111÷8222

Remote air cooled Condensers with axial fans

_icona_clint_fan_assiale_2024.png _icona_clint_refrigerant_R410A_2024.png

These Remote air cooled Condensers with axial fans are designed to be combined with evaporating units set up for R410A refrigerant.
These units, available in three configurations depending on the level of noiselessness required, Standard, Silenced and Super silenced, are equipped with latest generation axial fans, with motor fan shrouds having a large radius of curvature to eliminate all the air flow turbulence and with larger plenum to uniform the air distribution on the cooling coil.
The units can be installed with either horizontal or vertical air delivery, as needed and can be equipped with high efficiency EC fans.


  • RCA/K - Cooling only units with horizontal air flow
  • RCA/K/EC - Cooling only units with horizontal air flow and EC Inverter fans
  • RCA/K/VX - Cooling only units with vertical air flow
  • RCA/K/EC/VX - Cooling only units with vertical air flow and EC Inverter fans

Power range

  • 1.4-23.0 m³/s
  • 2923-49498 Cfm


  • Frame in oven painted with a polyurethane resin and galvanised steel casework.
  • The cowlings of the motorfans are made with a wide bending radius to eliminate any turbulence in the air flow.
  • Heat exchanger is made with corrugated tubes with a greater heat exchange surface, fins cut with a special louver configuration to give the best external coefficient of heat exchange.
  • R410A refrigerant.
  • Electrical board includes: main switch, fuses, fans wiring, terminals for external connections, fans speed controller via 0-10V signal.
  • Electrical board (EC versions) includes: main switch, automatic circuit breakers, fans wiring, terminals for external connections, therminals for 0-10V signal for fan speed control.

Factory fitted accessories

  • QE1 Electrical board with EC fans
FanAir flowm³/s1,381,432,232,072,834,584,384,175,665,419,158,768,3413,7313,1419,5023,37
ConnectionsInØ mm2222222828283535354235424242542 X 352 X 35
OutØ mm1818181822222828283528353535352 x 282 x 28
Electrical characteristicsPower supplyV/Ph/Hz230/1/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50400/3/50
Absorbed powerkW0,220,260,830,830,631,901,901,901,261,263,803,803,805,705,705,767,20
Absorbed currentA0,970,631,451,451,253,203,203,202,502,506,406,406,409,609,6011,6015,60
Sound pressureSTD version (1)dB(A)4342535348606060505062626264645657
WeightsTransport weightkg102102102108183183196206206230206230253352373642642




  • 1 Sound pressure level measured in free field conditions at 10 m from the unit. According to ISO 3744.
  • N.B. (1) Combinations are made at condensing temperature 50 °C, ambient air temperature 35 °C.
  • N.B. (2) Clearance areas are specified on installation, use and maintenance manual.